Student Innovators Blog

Student Innovators Blog

About Me

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The Student Innovators is a group of students passionate about using technology to help learning. They will be trying out apps and web tools alongside their studies and give feedback on the Student Innovator blog. They work together as a team to share their experiences so you know before you download which app is best. You are welcome to read their reviews and leave comments.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Final Thoughts by Liam

The reason that I continued being an Innovator is because I enjoy testing out new apps. I also enjoy being a student innovator because I like testing out apps which could improve peoples learning and I like it when my posts get a lot of views. My favourite apps that I have tested this year would have to be Yammer I like how it could improve communication in the college, also I like OneNote and how easy it makes storing notes it (although iPhones already have a notes app). Office Lens is a popular app this year it has had a lot of views (which makes me happy), this is due to how useful the app is since you can convert a photo into a word document or a PDF. I think being an Innovator has helped me by finding apps that improve my learning and productivity while at college.

Red Herring by Liam

Name of App: Red Herring
Cost: Free
Device/s used: iPhone
Available on: Apple, Android, Kindle and Windows Phone

What was good about this tool?
Its fun because you can chose from 3 levels of difficulty so you can chose the level that right to you. This app lets you learn new words and interesting facts about some of them, The aim of the game is to group all of the categories of words together. This game is suited to people who are doing English or would like to improve it. Its a simple quick game I've enjoyed it and found it to be addictive.

What was bad about this tool?
Theres a lot of puzzle packs that you have to pay for.
How did you use this tool?

I recommend this tool because its a fun and easy way to learn new words and expand my vocabulary.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Vicky's Final Thought

Technology is being used more and more every day by everyone around the world. I was inspired to be a Student Innovator due to the fact I knew there were apps out there that can make a huge difference in students life. I wanted to help and make a difference in someone's education, to help them enjoy college. 'My Study Life' has been one of the best apps I found that definitely has helped students in my college already, I had them approach me to ask me about the app and how to get grips of it which made me feel like time spent this year really wasn't wasted as students have taken on the presentation on board I have done earlier on. I will continue using this app and similar to it in my future studies and I hope more students step up and take up this role that I have been doing.

To know that I've done something in order to help someone in their learning environment has made me realise that these years in college were worth it. I hope to continue helping people as I meet them throughout my life to help them and make their work/study life much easier with technology we are provided today.